The Tanzania Journal of Sociology seeks to address sociological issues from a multi-disciplinary
perspective. It aims to generate scholarly reflections in the field of sociology and anthropology
and related fields of social sciences. The journal encourages manuscripts informed by up-to-date
empirical focusing on local and global concerns. Our goal is to create platform for scholars,
practitioners and policy makers, from Tanzania and international research community, to explore
the critical yet creative aspects for scholarly discussion and knowledge sharing. The journal
publishes articles, book reviews, conference papers, research reports, important addresses,
critical comments and other genres of academic writing. Tanzania Journal of Sociology has for
the last few years established itself as a peer reviewed academic journal of repute in Tanzania and
beyond. It is published once a year, in June by the Department of Sociology and Anthropology,
University of Dar es Salaam.
The manuscript should not exceed 8,000 words, as well as shorter contributions (about 4,000
words) and book reviews. Each article should be accompanied by an abstract of 100-200 words.
The manuscript must be double-spaced, on one side of standard A4 paper. It should leave wide
margins at side, top and bottom of at least one inch (on all four sides). The author should use
New Times Roman with 12 font size. Sub-titles should begin from the margin and bolded. The
title of the article must appear clearly on at least the first page (top right). To facilitate anonymity
in peer reviewing, the author’s name or similar identification marks should not appear on any
page other than on a separate sheet bearing the name(s) of the author(s), the title of the article,
contact addresses, and short biographical note. Manuscripts should be sent to the Chief Editor
in electronic form by e-mail: sociojournaltz@udsm.ac.tz. All contributions should be submitted
in a word format.
Peer Review
Tanzania Journal of Sociology uses a double behind peer review process. To facilitate anonymity in peer reviewing, the author’s name or similar identification marks should not appear on any page of a manuscript other than on a separate sheet bearing the name(s) of the author(s), the title of the article, contact addresses, and a short biographical note. Initially, the Chief Editor/Associate Editor/Managing Editor receives a manuscript and does an in-house review to ensure it conforms to the scope and policies of the journal, it is then sent out to two reviewers who are anonymous to the author. The review focuses on the quality of the manuscript in terms of its scholarly quality, formattin and originality. This process takes between five and eight weeks. Subject to the outcome of the review process, the author is expected to undertake major or minor corrections as suggested by the reviewers. In case major corrections are required, the author should resubmit the revised work which shall be sent back to the reviewers for vetting. In some cases the manuscript may be rejected outright. Once the review process is over, the editors make the final decision.
Statement of Malpractice
Tanzania Journal of Sociology is committed to ensure compliance with the best standard of
publication ethics, and is extremely stricte on publication malpractice. Authors should only
submit original works. To that end, all submitted manuscripts are subjected to the Turnitin
software to determine any case of plagiarism in all its forms. Manuscripts which have already
been published or are still under review elsewhere cannot be submitted. The journal retains the rights to retract the already accepted and/or published works, if cases of plagiarism or other forms of publication malpractices are discovered. It is the responsibility of authors to obtain permission to reproduce any material in which they do not own copyright, to be used in both print and electronic media, and for ensuring that the appropriate acknowledgements are included in their manuscript.
Journal Style
It is the responsibility of authors to ensure that their manuscripts strictly adhere to the journal
style. Manuscripts which do not conform to the journal style will not be accepted. A guide to
the style is presented as follows:-
Please download Journal Style HERE.